Posts tagged economic development
Collin County Leaders Stress Unity in Addressing Growth, Infrastructure Needs

Celina Record

A morning commute or shoreline drive along the lake – at least until recent rains – shows everything one needs to know about Collin County’s greatest needs. Growth is here and it’s coming, quickly – now it’s a matter of keeping pace with infrastructure. How to do that has government leaders scrambling. At least for an afternoon, they seemed to recognize the ideal approach: Join forces.


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81 Business Organizations Support $200 Million Appropriation for Texas Enterprise Fund

The Collin County Business Alliance recently showed it's support for the Texas Enterprise Fund in a letter to Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick, Speaker Straus, Comptroller Hegar and the Senate & House Budget Conferees. Here is an excerpt from the letter: "We represent more than 20,000 member companies throughout the state. Our people and our companies have benefited from Texas' economic strength. Despite tremendous job creation in the last six years, we are mindful that Texaslost 25,000 net jobs in March 2015. As Texas' economic growth moderates, the importance of recruiting blue-chip company relocations and expansions grows. Please make all efforts to achieve a minimum $200 million investment in the Texas Enterprise Fund.

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Collin County Business Alliance, Keynote Speaker Karl Rove Urge Local Business Leaders to Learn about 84th Texas Legislature Report

Dallas Morning News Plano NeighborsGo

Serving as the voice for the business community, CCBA works to educate businesses and citizens about important local issues, advocating for individual and collective action. The CCBA hosts quarterly events such as the policy forum to help local business leaders stay abreast of current events and educate them on important issues shaping the future of Collin County.

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Collin County Business Alliance, Keynote Speaker Karl Rove Urge Local Business Leaders to Learn about 84th Texas Legislature Report


Collin County area mayors, CEOs, and other top executives attended the Collin County Business Alliance (CCBA) Policy Forum April 16 to learn about key issues under consideration in the 84th Texas Legislature Report.

The forum, part of CCBA’s ongoing commitment to collaborate with government and facilitate community interests, was held at the Capital One Conference Center in Plano. Issues of particular interest included taxes, higher education, early childhood education, transportation, border security and ethics reform.

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Collaborative attraction: Collin County Business Alliance fosters united voice

ccba_chairAllen American

The Collin County Business Alliance is putting its action where its mission is in terms of attracting businesses to the area. Now with about 40 members, mostly CEOs of local companies, the CCBA celebrated its third anniversary this month. The organization and its influence have grown, and its goal remains clearer than ever: Ensure quality education, transportation and a sufficient water supply countywide.

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Collin County Leaders Talk Transportation


Collin County leaders say transportation goes hand-in-hand with economic development. On Thursday, the Collin County Business Alliance, which is made up of employees of some of the major corporations in West Plano, such as Capital One, hosted a transportation summit. The CCBA brings local leaders together for meetings about issues it has identified as critical to the business community, including education, water and transportation.

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Collin County Business Alliance Celebrates 2nd Anniversary

CCBA_2ndanniv_abbottDallas Morning News Allen NeighborsGo

The Collin County Business Alliance (CCBA) celebrated its second anniversary this month with keynote speaker Attorney General Greg Abbott. At the luncheon, the CCBA announced the county’s first-ever education summit, taking place at Collin College in February 2014.

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Collin County Business Alliance celebrates 2nd anniversary

CCBA_2ndanniv_abbottAllen American

The Collin County Business Alliance celebrated its second anniversary this month with keynote speaker Attorney General Greg Abbott. At the luncheon, the CCBA announced the county’s first-ever education summit, taking place at Collin College in February 2014.

“What an amazing year for the CCBA. Together, we have combined the resources of local businesses to provide strong advocacy on key issues impacting the quality of life in Collin County,” said Sanjiv Yajnik, president of Capital One’s Plano-based Financial Services Division and chairman of the CCBA. “As we look forward, we remain focused on working together to find solutions to the transportation and water issues that we face. We are also committed to working to support the education of our youth in the area and help ensure that our students have strong support and guidance from the cradle to college graduation.”

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CCBA Presents a Conversation with the Candidates

CCBA_conversation_with_candidates3Plano Star Courier

Attracting new business and the upcoming liquor referendum were two of the topics discussed Friday at the Collin County Business Alliance's candidate forum. Candidates for Plano mayor and City Council Place 8 were on hand at Capital One's west Plano campus for the forum, the first held by the one-and-a-half-year-old organization...

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Civic Group Forms in Private to Take On Public Issues

Dallas Morning News

During the height of the Great Depression, prominent banker R.L. Thornton teamed with other top businessmen to tackle a high-minded goal: improving civic life in Dallas.

Seven decades later in Collin County, little more than open prairie in Thornton’s day, a new crop of business leaders now wants to do the same. Launched by top executives in Plano, the Collin County Business Alliance is aiming to become a silent hand on broad topics like transportation, education and the region’s stretched water supplies...

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