Mayor in CC are working hard to attract new businesses, jobs and talent to the region. [GMT host] went to the Mayoral Transportation Summit hosted by Capital One and the Collin County Business Alliance to check out all of the new developments.
Collin County leaders say transportation goes hand-in-hand with economic development. On Thursday, the Collin County Business Alliance, which is made up of employees of some of the major corporations in West Plano, such as Capital One, hosted a transportation summit. The CCBA brings local leaders together for meetings about issues it has identified as critical to the business community, including education, water and transportation.
ABC WFAA-TV, Good Morning Texas
Collin County is one of fastest growing counties in the country. With a population that is growing, the demand for quality education becomes even greater. That's why Collin County Business Alliance recently partnered with Collin College for an Education Summit.